Wide Spread use of PGP

mdbomber at w6yx.stanford.edu mdbomber at w6yx.stanford.edu
Tue Feb 15 18:42:49 PST 1994

>I find Bob Cain's comments that PGP should not be used on a netcom account
>disturbing.  I think the priority that should be set is to get people using
>PGP, "in the habit" and then make sure they are using it on a local PC or
>Some people, believe it or not, might only have acess to a multi-user
>systems.  These people should not be denied acess to PGP.

This is what I do.  I connect to the net through SLIP and then use Eudora to
retrieve my mail from a DECstation.  PGP is secure that way.  However, the
password to attach to the POP server goes out in plaintext, and was undoubtedly
compromised in the packet-sniffing incident we heard so much about.

I have been trying to look into alternatives to plaintext passords flying
around, but have only confused myself.  What is available?

Internet: mdbomber at w6yx.stanford.edu                       Matt Bartley    
GPS:  33 49' xx''
     117 48' xx''    (xx due to SA :-)

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