For those biting at the bit (or byting at the bit)

Matthew J Miszewski MJMISKI at
Tue Feb 15 08:51:42 PST 1994

Glad to see cpunks back to crypto talk.
Anyways, to those of you who are anxious to see crypto applied in a
larger arena, your opportunity might be coming soon.
A few months back I announced that I will be starting a Data
Security Corporation which will apply and develop crypto
protocals.  To all those who have been inundating me with questions,
they will be answered very soon.  I have been *very* busy, but the work
is coming along fine.
So, if you are interested in getting involved, or if you would no longer
like to be contacted about it, let me know.  A general message will go out
by the end of the week.  Personal replies and requests closely
To all those who have already responded I am sorry that it has taken this
long.  I want to do this right.  I appreciate your enthusiasm.  Now lets
make it pay off.
Cypherpunks form Corporations!
In defense of liberty, encrypt for all purposes, civil and professional.
In defense of privacy, encrypt all correspondence, personal and professional.
In defense of sanity, do not encrypt your dry cleaning invoice!
       ++++++++--------mjmiski at                          (c)1993

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