Oh No! Nazis on the Nets

Grand Epopt Feotus 68954 at brahms.udel.edu
Thu Feb 10 16:44:25 PST 1994

On Fri, 11 Feb 1994, Hadmut Danisch wrote:

> Perry E. Metzger says:
> So? If you find a paper with YOUR face, YOUR name and big 
> letters KILL THIS MAN FOR BEING A JEW, would you think
> this is okay?
> Would you give out PGP for mailing such calls encyphered?
	Oh bullshit, dont try that argument.  If that was they way the 
world operated we would be eating raw meat in a cave still.  The tools 
are NOT evil and should be distributed.  It's how you use them that can 
be bad.

> > Do you not have to register your newspaper?
> No, we don't. This is not true. Who told you this tale?
> Is it "freedom of press" if someone tells american people
> that germans would have to register their newspapers?
	No, it's inherent to freedom of press, meaning sometimes we get 
lied to apparantly this was one of those times, but it's not "freedom of 
press" persey.

> Hadmut
	Can we cut the politickin out or is this normal?  I mean I know 
politics play a major role in cryptography, but throwinf explitives about 
Nazis isnt really conductive to good encrytian development.

	You're eqipped with a hundred billion nueron brain, that's
	wired and fired, and it's a reality generating device, but
	you've got too do it.  Free youself  ----Tim Leary----

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