Oh No! Nazis on the Nets

Mike McNally m5 at vail.tivoli.com
Thu Feb 10 14:44:27 PST 1994

Hadmut Danisch writes:
 > I never said this. Why do you think it is the only defense?

Oh, well, I guess I don't suppose that's what you meant.

 > Why do you all mix ideas with calls for killing people?

Because the latter is a class of the former?

 > Isn't it a difference whether I publish an idea or whether
 > I pray killing people? Is this allowed in your country?

Well, I suppose there are some extremes which could get you in trouble
(like, in particular, something directly threatening to the President,
though I've never completely understood the Constitutional
justification for such a thing).  I don't think "Mein Kampf" is
anywhere near the extreme.  It's hateful and wrong, but it is a book
of ideas and deserves to be available.

 > Don't you believe that we are interested in a free press?
 > Don't you believe that we want to fight against Naziism?
 > How do you fight against your Nazis?

Not by restricting press freedoms.

 > Arrrrrghl!  Stop this stupid tale! Do you want to play silly games
 > with me? Who did you tell that you have to go to any office in germany?

You did!  I'm not trying to be inflammatory; that's what I thought you
said!  I asked whether anybody could print a newspaper, and you said
something like "as long as they register" or something.  Perhaps I
misunderstood; I foolishly did not save your note.

 > Print as much as you can pay and carry and give it to everyone you
 > want.

Oh; OK, then I take it back.  I wish I had saved the note you wrote
earlier; I must have severely misinterpreted it.

 > What is the use of press freedom if the press doesn't use it?

Well, that's sort of a different problem.  There are outlets for a
wide variety of ideas, but they're not the major news networks or

 > I'm sure you don't see much about Germany at all. Where did you get
 > all those stories?

As I said, I simply misinterpreted what you wrote.

 > > So can I in the US---today.  The problems spring up when I try to
 > > export what I write.
 > Is this what you call press freedom?

Actually, no; I don't call it that.  One of the reasons I'm "here" is
that I don't like the restrictions!

| GOOD TIME FOR MOVIE - GOING ||| Mike McNally <m5 at tivoli.com>       |
| TAKE TWA TO CAIRO.          ||| Tivoli Systems, Austin, TX:        |
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