What's a "real encryptor"?

Matthew J Ghio mg5n+ at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Feb 8 14:32:01 PST 1994

Xenon, you could make your point a lot clearer if you wouldn't detweil
so much in your posts.  But let me propose a technique that I think
would be what you meant to define as a "real encryptor".

Take a file and encrypt it by taking the first block of data and using
it as a key to encrypt the rest of the file.  Than take the beginning of
the file and encrypt it with RSA.  Therefore, since you need to know the
first block of plaintext to decode the rest of the file, you could only
decode the file if you first decoded the RSA block.  Perhaps some random
padding could also be added, and a random session key inside the RSA. 
The file would have no identifying markers to show what key it was
encrypted with, or what key was needed to decrypt it.  Is this what you
wanted?  I think I could hack that...

And a little flame: Before you put down our software, try writing some
of your own.

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