Atlantis Project/Oceania

CVL staff member Nate Sammons nate at VIS.ColoState.EDU
Mon Feb 7 18:56:32 PST 1994

writes Matthew J Ghio:
>profitable venture, but getting a high bandwidth net connection in the
>middle of the ocean would increase startup costs.  Telecom, electricity,

Well, a satellite dish can transfer around 100MB (megaBytes, not bits)
per second.  I'm not too sure how much this kind of link costs, but I
would also assume that the Oceania people aren't going to go without a 
network conection to start.


| Nate Sammons <nate at VIS.ColoState.Edu> <nate at yuma.ANCS.ColoState.Edu>  |
|      Colorado State University Computer Visualization Laboratory      |
|    Data Visualization/Interrogation, Modeling, Animation, Rendering   |

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