A serious question of ethics

nobody at pmantis.berkeley.edu nobody at pmantis.berkeley.edu
Mon Feb 7 10:40:37 PST 1994

On Mon, 7 Feb 1994, Tom Allard wrote:

> nobody at pmantis.berkeley.edu wrote:
> > Ok, I'm in a bit of a quandry.  While surfing the net last week, I
> > happened across an address addached to a machine that belongs the the 
> > federal reserve.  No big deal.  I telnetted there on a lark, and entered 
> > 'guest' for the account.  It dropped me into a shell.  It didn't ask for 
> > a password.  Intrigued, I did a little looking around.  Nothing special, 
> > a CDRom and about 80 accounts.  But(!!), /etc/passwd was there and 
> > available and not using shadows.  No, I didn't snatch a copy.
> - ------- Forwarded Message
> Date:    Mon, 07 Feb 94 11:10:05 -0500 
> From:    m1rcd00
> To:      m1tca00
> Subject: Cypherpunk...
> Guest login was denied this morning...
> Well, since someone seems to be home now at Minneapolis, if you wanted
> to send something back to that list, I suppose it would be OK. If you
> happened to mention in such a missive that the technical contact here
> at the Board has no responsibility for or involvement with the Bank
> machine or network involved, did not fuck up, and was not amused, the
> technical contact would probably not mind.
> - - --Bob
> - ------- End of Forwarded Message

Does that mean that I no longer should report the open system (I don't 
dare telnet there to find out if it is the same one)?

Also, and I'm purely curious, what actually became of my anonymous 
report, and do I need to be worried about SS agents in dark sunglasses 
coming to my home and dragging me away?  (Truely worried and scared)

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