Crypto Regulation Reform

Perry E. Metzger pmetzger at
Mon Feb 7 07:51:37 PST 1994

Mike McNally says:
> Robert Cain writes:
>  > A device can be made right now at lower cost
>  > than a computer modem, much lower, that could be inserted between any
>  > phone and the wall that would make it impossible, no matter what laws
>  > are in place, to tap either passively or acitively, communication that
>  > passes between two of these devices.  I know how to do it, could do it
>  > and probably will just for the fun of it at least.  
> Uhh, could you tell us?  Sounds like quite a breakthrough.  Credit
> card sized?  Much cheaper than a modem, like $50 maybe?  And it
> digititizes and securely encrypts speech (full duplex?) on the fly?

By definition anything that does this in the digital domain needs a
modem, so it can't be cheaper than a modem. None of the analogue
methods are going to be terribly secure.


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