CERT advisory

Robert Cain rcain at netcom.com
Sat Feb 5 11:45:41 PST 1994

Eric Hughes sez:
> Since active interception is not nearly so easy as passive listening,

This isn't true of anything but the aether itself or a point to point
wire with integrity.  In any switched or networked system with routing,
active interception is trivial.  That is why D-H has a lower level
of applicability than generally considered.

> it would be appropriate to use a Diffie-Hellman key exchange in this
> situation.  This protocol has no persistent private keys, so the issue
> of keeping a private key around securely is not an issue.

Yes, the one time key usage is an important factor in the D-H.
Nothing can be determined from one session that will help in
breaking another.



Bob Cain    rcain at netcom.com   408-354-8021

           "I used to be different.  But now I'm the same."

--------------PGP 1.0 or 2.0 public key available on request.------------------

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