IMPORTANT: unsubscription

Eric Hughes hughes at
Fri Feb 4 21:35:22 PST 1994

This is the mail I send to everyone who tries to unsubscribe by
sending to the list.  After I send this message, I delete it from my
inbox and take no further action to that piece of mail.

Read it.

The cypherpunks list is for discussions on implementing cryptography.
To mail to the whole list, send mail to

	cypherpunks at

Every mail message sent to this address will be forwarded to everyone
on the list.  Make sure that the message you wish to send is
appropriate for such a broad delivery.

If you want to be added or removed from the cypherpunks list, or have
any other questions which pertain to list management, send mail to

	cypherpunks-request at

I don't manage the list from my regular account, so such mail which
ends up in my account will just get you another copy of this

Eric Hughes 
   maintainer of the lists cypherpunks at and
   cypherpunks-announce at

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