archiving on inet

Jim Nitchals jimn8 at
Tue Feb 1 16:40:47 PST 1994

> Jason Zions says:
[portions deleted]
> > I'm struggling with drawing an appropriate distinction between CD-ROM as
> > newsfeed medium and CD-ROM as archive medium.
> Maybe you are struggling because there is no reasonable way to make
> the distinction?

There is.  Copyright 1994 James Nitchals.  Duplication and redistribution
rights permitted only until the expiration date or issuance of a cancel
message by the author.

CD-ROM publishers cannot honor the request except by reissuing the CD-ROM
without my content.  Anyone who backs up their home directory is safe,
but if they redistribute my article after it's expired or cancelled, they
are in violation of my copyright.

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