Morality masks technical ignorance

Ken Arromdee arromdee at
Thu Dec 29 13:43:32 PST 1994

>Rishab Aiyer Ghosh:
>As it so happens, hardly anyone here knew about Norton Encrypt so we got
>embroiled in this argument. If we were to adopt a consistently (and solely)
>moral stance, we would accept Detweiler's position that remailers are bad
>and should be banned because they can be easily misused.

There is a difference between believing that something is wrong (a moral
stance), and believing that force should be used to stop it (a ban).  A
consistent position, for someone believing remailers are bad, would be that
they personally wouldn't run a remailer or tell other people how to
do so.  It would not require advocating bans on remailers.

And trying to _convince_ other people not to do something, without the
threat of force, is not _banning_.
Ken Arromdee (email: arromdee at

"No boom today.  Boom tomorrow, there's always a boom tomorrow."  --Ivanova

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