GUI: PGP vs novices

bshantz at bshantz at
Wed Dec 21 11:55:31 PST 1994

Jeff Licquia writes:

>>You will notice that this message is not signed.  That's because in order to 
>>sign it, I would need to save my message, hop out to a DOS box, PGP encrypt 
>>it, hop back to my mail program and insert the encrypted mail as a text 
>>That's enough to discourage the average user.  This is pretty much what Tim 
>>May was talking about when he discussed why he doesn't sign his messages.  
>>It's not that he couldn't... it's just not practical for him.  It's not 
>>practical for me either, but I do it when I feel it's necessary.

>Just a small nit, but it appears that you're running something
>Windows-compatible on your desk (the DOS box and all that).  Are you aware
>of the good Windows tools for PGP?  The particular one I use (PGPClip by
>Mike Meyer) uses the clipboard, and is very nice and simple.

Exactly my point Jeff.  Thank you for justifying what I said....**WINK**, 
In order to even use PGPClip, it involves something OUTSIDE the mail 
application.  (Although, it does sound intriguing to me.)  Anyway, this is yet 
another example of the user needing to be fully conscious that they are 
signing or encrypting.  It should be second nature.  In order for it to become 
second nature, it MUST be included in the design of the mail package. (Or News 
reader, or FTP software, whatever.)

Third party utilities make a piece of software harder to use.  That's a given.  
Now, don't get me wrong, there are some nice thrid party vendor products out 
there.  But, I have yet to see a crypto product that merges (cross platform) 
into a mail package smoothly.

>Not a flame, or even a spark.  Just wanting to make life easier for crypto

Didn't see any sparks at all, Jeff.  I am interested in PGPClip (at least to 
look at) does anyone have an FTP site pointer where I could find it?  

-- Brad

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>INTERNETWORKING THE DESKTOP<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Brad Shantz                      bshantz at
Senior Software Engineer
SPRY Inc.                        Direct #:     (206)-442-8251
316 Occidental Ave. S.           Main #:       (206)-447-0300
Suite 316                        Fax #:        (206)-447-9008
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