Name that phone

witter at witter at
Sun Dec 18 23:57:45 PST 1994

Cryptriloquist- crypto & ventriloquist

SFS-            Safe Fone System


Tapestry- reference to weft & warp of Individual threads

Social Security- Only seems fair that we should have something of that 
name that is functional.


The Village Voice

Echo- The nymph whose unrequited love for Narcissus caused her to pine 
away until nothing but her voice remained.

phonetiquette- phone, phonetic, & etiquette


Babbler- a tape recording of several dozen voices talking at the same 
time, used as an antibugging device to make private or 
secret conversations inaudible to eavesdroppers.

New Obiter Dictum (NOD)- An incidental remark or observation; a passing 

Phone DeBug (PDB)

AIWWA- As if we were alone

 :o- or your emoticon of choice, it would be the first software to be 
 titled under a non-alphabetical symbol.

My question is if/how this new software would work between modems.

 : Paper_Soldier :

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