Encrypted Credit Card Numbers For Transmission....

Avi Harris Baumstein avi at clas.ufl.edu
Wed Dec 14 06:09:15 PST 1994

"L. McCarthy" <lmccarth at ducie.cs.umass.edu> writes:

>Incidentally, I just tried to get into HotWired using the "cypherpunks"/
>"cypherpunks" combo I recommended to Amanda earlier this evening. It didn't
>work. I'm just about to re-register cypherpunks on it, so don't be surprised

the account i have been using all along is 'cypherpunk' /
'cypherpunk'. still works. i made the mistake of trying 'cypherpunks'
a few times until i went back and read my mail. but since it's such a
natural mistake, i doubt having both is any detriment. 


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