IPSP and Netscape

James A. Donald jamesd at netcom.com
Tue Dec 13 15:25:53 PST 1994

I wrote:
> > Eric and Perry have repeatedly used this method -
> > not only attacking a straw man, but lying outright
> > that their opponent has *explicitly* proclaimed
> > the straw man.
> >
> > I am thoroughly sick of this dishonest debating
> > tactic.
> >
> > If someone genuinely believe his opponent assumes
> > or implies something that is obviously false he
> > should say "implies" or "assumes"
> >
> > To say "claims" or "states" is to say something completely
> > different.

Perry E. Metzger writes
> We're sick of you inventing facts, but of course, you'll just claim
> we've been doing that.

I will provide an example:  Will you?

You wrote:
> You claim we haven't done anything and Netscape has.

Where did I claim that?

That is an example of a fact that you invented.  Now
provide an example of a fact that I invented.

We have the right to defend ourselves and our
property, because of the kind of animals that we        James A. Donald
are.  True law derives from this right, not from
the arbitrary power of the omnipotent state.            jamesd at netcom.com

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