Clarification of my remarks about Netscape

Marc Andreessen by way of Marc Andreessen marca at
Tue Dec 13 00:58:24 PST 1994

In article <199412130318.TAA00912 at>, eric at (Eric Hughes) wrote:

>    From: "Kipp E.B. Hickman" <kipp at>
>    If this hadn't been made clear already, then hopefully this will:
>            Our intention is to support any development effort attempting
>            to implement an SSL conformant implementation. We will work with
>            you to repair the spec as needed to eliminate any errors or
>            ommisions, and help you test your implementation to ensure that
>            it interoperates with ours.
> It's clear to me.  "We're going to use some security, as long as it's
> called SSL and our authorship is on the document."

No, he didn't say that -- you're jumping to conclusions based
on a statement he's making on a separate topic.  We're going to support
security mechanisms as they are required and accepted by the market --
functionality, protocols, formats, etc. -- whether or not they are
called SSL and whether or not our authorship is on the document.


Marc Andreessen
Netscape Communications Corp.
Mountain View, CA
marca at

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