Crypto Declaration of Independence

Anonymous nobody at
Mon Dec 12 21:32:39 PST 1994


James A. Donald <jamesd at> wrote:
>Anonymous writes
>> I have a proposal for you all.
>> I have started work on a Crypto Declaration of Independence, based on the
>> famous American work which represents Independence.
>This is unwise and unnecessary.
>It is unwise because we do not wish to alert the government
>to the fact that the net is largely ungoverned and ungovernable.

	I do not think it is unwise because we do want to state a position for
ourselves.  We need to let everyone, including the government, know that
we will not stand for crypto-policy which is not in our best interest.  No
matter what comes, we will continue to use PGP, SHTTP, link-encryption and
every method which we have determined to be in our best interest, not what
we must have faith in what we are told is in our best interest.  

>It is unnecessary because crypto is already covered by various 
>existing declarations on rights.

	This is bullshit, and you know it as well as I do.  A steady stream of
misinformation has mislead government officials into 'ignoring' these rights
when dealing with electronic documents, and encryption specifically.  When
the administration has something which might be unfavorable in the public
eye (ie, Clipper), they quickly try to pass it through, ignoring public
cries in the process.  How many letters did it take before there were any
open hearings about the EES, and then the words of respected professionals
were seemingly ignored as the policy was pushed ahead.

	This was not thought to be an extremist attempt at breaking off from our
current government.  It's also not supposed to be a confrontational attack.
It was intended to be a strong statement, letting all know what we believe
in and why we do.  We need to declare our independence from being governed
by policy which encroaches on our rights, rights which this country was
founded in, and rights which are being ignored.


Version: 2.6


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