Time to exhaustively break 40-bit RC4?

Hal hfinney at shell.portal.com
Mon Dec 12 17:57:11 PST 1994


"Ian Farquhar" <ianf at sydney.sgi.com> writes:

>No, because as you're doing an exhaustive keysearch, you can "pipeline"
>the key generation process in software.  Each key requires 256 swaps,
>certainly, but there are only two swaps difference between the key
>for "0000000000" and "0000000001" (assuming a 40 bit key).  If you
>recursively generate keys, then you can generate successive keys
>like this:

This is not true, for a few reasons.  First, keys are replicated
(reused over and over) until 256*8=2048 bits have been used.  So
a 40-bit key would get reused about 50 times.  Second, the key
feeds into a PRNG which is mixed in with the swapping, so once you
swap with a different one you will swap differently from then on.

And third (and this is the one I find most interesting), SSL does not
just use a 40-bit key for the export versions.  They use a 128-bit key,
but they require 128-40=88 bits to be sent in the clear.  So the
potential keyspace is much bigger than 2^40.  This will make certain
attacks (primarily those involving pre-calculation, which actually
doesn't apply to your pipeline I guess) impossible.  I thought it was
interesting that this "128 minus 88" bit key qualified for the export
approval.  This suggests that NSA has no better attack than brute force
(nothing relying on cryptographic weaknesses of 40 bit keys, for


Version: 2.6


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