First Virtual?

Andrew Lowenstern andrew_loewenstern at
Fri Dec 2 12:06:34 PST 1994

FV does in fact have a bunch of e-mail addresses that will auto-forward some  
info sheets to you.  I have attached the info to this message.

After having read Doug Barnes message (<9412021548.AA17294 at tadpole>) I'm glad  
I'm not the only one who thinks FV is a joke.  The entire security of the  
system rests on the difficulty of intercepting and forging e-mail.  Forging  
e-mail is dead easy, intercepting isn't much harder.  While the implementors  
are correct that an online payment-system will have to be simple to use in  
order to gain wide acceptance, sacrificing all security for ease of use is a  
grave mistake.  It just begging to be ripped off, providing people actually  
sell something via FV worth ripping off.


Begin forwared message:

Where can I find out more about First Virtual?

The First Virtual GENERAL INFORMATION FAQ is the best place to start if
you  are  looking  for  information  about  First  Virtual. It provides
details about all the FAQ documents  available  via  email,  and  about
additional  information  available  from  our  anonymous FTP and Gopher
servers and our World Wide Web database.

To receive a copy of the GENERAL INFORMATION FAQ, send an email message
to  "help at";  the  GENERAL INFORMATION FAQ will be sent to you by
email automatically. You can also find a copy in other places:

 * Connect to, our anonymous FTP server, and look  in
   the   directory   /pub/docs   for   the   file  called  "FAQ-
 * Using Mosaic,  Lynx,  or  another  World  Wide  Web  browser,
   connect  to  our  Web page using the URL "".
   Look for the link to the "Frequently Asked Questions" page.
Here's a summary of other First Virtual FAQ  documents;  to  receive  a
copy by email, send a message to the specified address:

 * 1-2-3 FAQ -- Steps for getting started -- 123 at
 * SIGNUP FAQ -- Signing up for an account -- signup at
 * BACKGROUND  FAQ  --   Our   company   and   our   vision   --
   background at
 * BUYING FAQ -- Buying information -- buying at
 * SELLING FAQ -- Selling information -- selling at
 * INFOHAUS FAQ -- Using the Infohaus -- infohaus at
 * SECURITY FAQ -- Security issues -- security at
 * CASHFLOW  FAQ  --  Flow   of   money   in   our   system   --
   cashflow at
 * PROBLEMS FAQ -- Dealing with problems -- problems at

For  information  in  languages  other  than  English,  send  email  to
"international at".

To help us provide our services to the public at  the  lowest  possible
cost,  please  search  the  FAQs  before  sending  email  to  our human
operators. Thanks for understanding. And welcome to First Virtual!

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