Nuclear Weapons Material

Brian Lane blane at
Wed Aug 24 15:36:10 PDT 1994

On Tue, 23 Aug 1994 khijol!erc at wrote:

> > At the risk of pushing this even further from cryptography, I should
> > say that tritium is used in the "boosting" of *fission* weapons. A
> > mixture of tritium and deuterium is injected into the exploding
> > fission core to increase the "alpha" (neutron multiplication "gain")
> > of the system.  The D-T thermonuclear reactions themselves contribute
> > relatively little energy, but the increase in fission efficiency can
> > be dramatic.
> Been reading our Tom Clancey, have we?  <grin>

  I would recommend 'The Secret that Exploded' by Howard Morland

  Describes H-Bombs in a language that we can all understand.


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