Nuclear Weapons Material

Phil Karn karn at
Wed Aug 24 01:12:39 PDT 1994

>Been reading our Tom Clancey, have we?  <grin>

No, actually I have yet to read my first Clancey novel, though I did
see Hunt for Red October.

My information comes from "US Nuclear Weapons" by Chuck Hansen, Orion
Books, 1988. ISBN 0-517-56740-7. I wouldn't be surprised if Clancey
used the same source -- Hansen is the guy who wrote the open letter
that sabotaged the government's case in US vs. Progressive back in 1979.

Now can we return to cryptography? How about a discussion of fast
modular exponentiation algorithms, something we (or at least I) can
put to more immediate and constructive use than nuclear bomb designs?


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