Bug in PgP2.6???

Michael P. Brininstool mikepb at freke.lerctr.org
Sat Aug 13 02:41:19 PDT 1994

In article <aa72069f0502102406a8@[]>,  <ben.goren at asu.edu> wrote:
>>Also, there is a planned bugfix release for sometime soon that
>>will have the one character patch that fixes that problem.
>As I said before, if it's serious enough to shout to the world, "we
>goofed," then it's serious enough to take the ten seconds necessary to
>make the fix or make the instructions on how to do so obviously available.

In the 'shout to the world' Colin gave the fix.  It is easier to manually
apply the fix than to run the patch program.  It is unecessary anyway.

| #include "std/disclaimer.h"     Michael P. Brininstool |
| mikepb at freke.lerctr.org      OR      mikepb at netcom.com |

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