spooks on cypherpunks

Lefty lefty at apple.com
Thu Apr 28 09:01:44 PDT 1994

Some anonymous "contributor" informs us, without benefit of evidence, that
>NetSurfer <jdwilson at gold.chem.hawaii.edu>
>Robert Mathews <mathews at gold.chem.hawaii.edu>

are "spooks" and advises us to
>be aware

to which the ever-popular Jeff Davis replies
>Thanks for the hot fucking tip, Sparky.  What was your first clue?

I can only suppose that you're asking this out of the sudden realization
that you're in desperate need of one.

>Use it or loose it slick.   Imagine some spook taking a shit in a public
>restroom.  They're human.  And they fuck up regular as well.  

Presumably this is as distinguished from taking a shit on a public mailing list.

Lefty (lefty at apple.com)
C:.M:.C:., D:.O:.D:.

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