Faking hostnames and inconvenient anon IP

rishab at dxm.ernet.in rishab at dxm.ernet.in
Wed Apr 27 05:36:16 PDT 1994

joshua geller <joshua at cae.retix.com>:

> [on IRC]
> > Fraid not....it's a trivial matter to fake the username, and if yer a 
> > smart cookie, faking the hostname is just as easy.
> as far as I know, you have to hack the server to fake hostname.
> historically this practice has been frowned upon by the majority
> of IRC administrators.

Oh, there are other ways of faking hostnames, depending on your level of access
to systems (your closest nameserver, for example). My point was that it's not
quite as convenient to have anon IRC (or any other IP protocol) as it is to send
anon mail through a remailer.

Rishab Aiyer Ghosh                                          rishab at dxm.ernet.in
Voicemail +91 11 3760335; Vox/Fax/Data 6853410
H-34C Saket New Delhi 110017 INDIA

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