Crypto scripting language

peace at peace at
Wed Apr 27 01:54:20 PDT 1994

>> > I was most
>> > taken by the idea of a "Crypto Toolkit". I think it would be understand-
>> > able to write the code in plain, vanilla C (as opposed to C++). One
>> > good reason is the widespread availability of C compilers, especially 
>> > with UNIX. Additionally, C++ compilers do take up more space (although
>> > this would be more of an issue with PCs. 
>> I think Tim had in mind something that was accessible more from a higher-
>> level language than C or C++; ideally, something interpreted so you could
>> sit down and type in a few commands to get something useful.  Perl and
>> TCL are two languages which Tim mentioned and which have been discussed
>> here in the past.  Smalltalk might do, although it is not as "freely" avail-
>> able.

>Yes, this is mostly what I meant. Lots of stuff here, and I really
>should use my outline processor to do a better job of outlining
>options, routes, and miscellaneous points. But I'll just make a few
>notes here. (The theme of the next Cypherpunks meeting, date not yet
>finalized, is "Protocols," so issues like this are presumably
>relevant. Depending on the date, I may be in LEA., and would welcome
>meeting with other Southland Cpunks to discuss ideas.)

I wrote a cryptographic scripting language that has been implemented in
a commercial product.  I hesitate to post it here due to its length.
If there is a place to send it where it can be archived for public
down-load, I could do that.  I am in the process of writing it up for
a symposium, but have other things that I would rather do.  If I could
modify it to improve it's integration w/ telescript, I would like to
do it, but I don't have telescript, does anyone here have it?


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