Gary Jeffers CCGARY at
Fri Apr 22 18:59:02 PDT 1994


   I would like to introduce new terms & a new concept. The terms are
"RECHATTERER", "RECHAT", & "CHATTERBOX" (with a new meaning). The idea i
analogous to the remailer concept. Remailers are series of mailing
software machines that hide the location & identity of the sender of a
file. This is a very good idea for privacy & freedom on the Internet.
An overlooked necessity for the Internet are retransmitters for both
CHAT MODE & for the sending of commands. Note: Latter in this text, I'll
introduce the term "FREEDOM DAEMON".

   File transfers cannot replace the need for the interactive chat mode
& for command transmits. Hence, the need for CHATTERBOXES. The need for
chat mode security is obvious. The need for command retransmitters is
less obvious & has great possibilities.

   With command retransmitters much internet activity could be done
without disclosing the location of the worker. Consider the possibility
of telnets assisted with CHATTERBOXES. With CHATTERBOXES almost no
Internet activity need give away the location of the worker. This of
course would raise the safety level of hackers/crackers by at least
a magnitude. This would of course raise concerns for computing safety
on the Internet. On the other hand, hacking/cracking may be necessary
for the future freedom of the Internet.

   The Feds are currently trying to hijack the Internet with their
Information Highway fraud. The Feds will try to regulate the Internet
traffic. I find it difficult to believe that they would tolerate the
existence of remailers. How secure are remailers? Are they easy to find?
With CHATTERBOXES, much of the danger of establishing remailers in the
future could be avoided. Could the establishment of remailers be auto-
mated with programmed CHATTERBOXES doing the work? I suggest the possi-
bility of mainframe hacking as a method of secretly making outlaw re-
mailers. I got this idea from a book carried by Loompanics. The excerpt

   "One way to get around this problem - & to simultaneously overcome
many of the problems that arise when one sets up a BBS - is to use your
hacking skills to break into a mainframe far away from your house, & use
IT for the site of your electronic bulletin board." From the book,
SECRETS OF A SUPERHACKER by The Knightmare. Published & distributed by
Loompanics Unlimited.
              Loompanics Unlimited
              PO Box 1197
              Port Townsend, Wa 98368
Current(April 22, 1994) price of their main catalog is $5.00.

   Loompanics is a great book distributor & publisher that I have used
for many years. It carries books on many unusual topics. For instance
if you wanted a textbook on murder, terrorism, homemade explosives, writ-
ing computer viruses, hacking computers, making recreational drugs, life
extension, weird science, conspiracies, torture, or brain & mind
improvement then I perceive you have a need for the Loompanics catalog.
They also have other exciting categories as well.

   But back to the subject. I thought it was a fantastic idea to hijack
the resources of a foreign computer & use them for a pirate BBS. The
same thing should be able to be done with remailers & CHATTERBOXES.

   Another idea I have for fighting off the possibility of technological
capture of the Internet by the Feds is the idea of the "FREEDOM DAEMON".
A FREEDOM DAEMON could be thought of as a CHATTERBOX with the following
capabilities added:
1. A remailer
2. Virus capabilities. It reproduces itself.
3. Worm capabilities. It is self contained in its code.
4. Trojan horse capabilities. It plants itself in foreign computers like
  a daemon or software service machine.
5. Ability to take orders from its parent or another ancestor FREEDOM
   DAEMON, or its original human programmer or by certified users.
  Order taking would be authorized by an RSA encryption scheme.
6. Ability to be interrogated by its parent or another ancestor FREEDOM
   DAEMON or its human programmer, or by certified users through an
  RSA scheme.
Note: It may carry several keys for different levels of security access.
7. It may contain histories of its ancestors or progeny or both. The
  histories would require access by RSA keys.
8. It may contain genetic algorithms as it may meet with a lot of state
   hostility in the form of destruction by human & programmed hunters.
   The genetic algorithms could create more worthy FREEDOM DAEMONS.

   I have suggested that the use of FREEDOM DAEMONS would be to per-
petuate remailers, CHATTERBOXES, & themselves. I think that the thought-
ful Cypherpunk could think up a number of other uses. In the near future
the Internet could lose much of its freedom & could become a more dan-
gerous place for freedom lovers. CHATTERBOXES & FREEDOM DAEMONS with
their ability to enable the Cypherpunk to send commands, do telnets, &
perform other functions without disclosing his location could enable
the Cypherpunk to manufacture other freedom software machines with at
least a magnitude of safety greater than he had before.

   Who would program the CHATTERBOXES & FREEDOM DAEMONS? My first idea
is to the guys who are programming remailers. Those unsung, unpaid
heroes who are much like Dr. Frankenstein, working away on his big guy.
Hackers & Crackers should have a certain taste & experience with the
activities needed. It should provide a field day for computer science
types & cryptographers. Creative "wild idea" people could help.


   How do hackers & crackers get caught? Could Cypherpunk technology
keep them safe? Imagine hackers/crackers with CHATTERBOXES & FREEDOM
DAEMONS & digital reputations who don't know each other's true names
& have no idea of each other's true locations. - hence unable to betray
each other. Weak hacker/crackers would not endanger their strong asso-
ciates. A chain only as strong as it's strongest link? Could they be
as safe as their strongest technology?

   Right now, captured hacker/crackers roll over on their associates,
their mothers, & their pet dogs. We as Cypherpunks can help to stop
this carnage. Note that we Cypherpunks are politicos & made of sterner
stuff. I also don't want to characterize ALL hacker/crackers as weak.

   By now, many Cypherpunks are asking themselves just what the fuck
I am doing concerning myself with the welfare of hacker/crackers &
implying that Cypherpunks should do the same. Cypherpunks are saying
aren't these people sort of well - UNSAVORY? -
I have never tasted them.

   But on a more serious note: in a future Internet ravaged by state
power grabs, many Cypherpunks may be in the position of today's
hacker/crackers & may have their security concerns. Today, Cypherpunks
write code, tomorrow they hack/crack?

   Wouldn't this proposed technology turn the Internet into the Wild
West? Yes, it would.

   On Internet chat, there is a channel called #freedom. On this channel
for years the people have chatted to each other in code. They talk
quickly & seem to be unimpeded by the code. Well, I guess "we've"
already gotten coded on the fly Iinternet chat.

   Well, Cypherpunks, I've been up to enough today. Maybe tomorrow I'll
discuss my BLACK NET PEACE CORE plans.

   In the meantime-   PUSH EM BACK! PUSH EM BACK!
                      WWWAAAYYY BBBAAACCCKKKK!
                      BBBEEEAAATTTT  STATE!

                      Yours Truly,
                      Gary Jeffers

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