The Spotlight

David Mandl dmandl at
Thu Apr 21 13:17:42 PDT 1994

> From: Interworld Police Coordinating Committee <moshe at>
> gehm at, ignatz at, wicker at,
> m.yudkowsky at, ben at
> Subject: Re: FWD>Science frauds
> Forgive me if I'm wrong, but if my memory serves me correctly, THE SPOTLIGHT
> is an anti-Semitic rag; that makes every other word they publish suspect.

Yep, that's right.  But not just anti-semitic.  It's an extreme
right-wing (read: fascist or crypto-fascist) paper affiliated
with Willis Carto's Liberty Lobby, an especially slimy racist
organization (I mean really racist, as in close pals with David
Duke, publisher of pamphlets on the "inferiority of the Negro race,"
promoters of so-called "holocaust revisionism," etc.).  They've
been making inroads into the hip marginal milieu recently because
of their sensational conspiracy theory reporting, but it's
important to keep in mind who they are and what their real agenda is.

I'm not telling anyone here whether the Spotlight should or shouldn't
be used to spread the anti-Clipper word, or whether you should or
shouldn't read it, merely pointing out who they are.  Like most
organizations of this type, they're less than honest about it.


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