Safeway + Your Privacy

Arsen Ray Arachelian rarachel at
Thu Apr 21 12:35:36 PDT 1994

Your last statement about garbage in/out reminds me of a paragraph in
the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy about this one planet where you must
shit as much matter as you eat, or it will be surgically removed from your
body. :-)

This stupid recycling nonsense is pretty out of hand here in NYC too...

If they find anything that's not supposed to be in your trash can (ie: a
soda bottle in a can of newspapers) you get fined. This means that if some
kid walks by your house and decides to throw his soda bottle in your trash
can instead of smashing it on the ground as is the (offical method of
recycling here in NYC as car tires need lots of glass :-) you will get fined.

Idiotic, but true.  Also, keep in mind that recycling makes the jobs of
FBI agents much easier... What spook wants to read your paper waste if its
covered by diapers, coffe grounds, parakeet droppings, etc... <grin>

NYC is well known for its shitty subways and lots of "We're really nice" 
subway ads that are "environmental" in nature.  My cynical nature says that
the only reason they want us to take the trains instead of the cars is that
a) they don't want to pay to repair the pot-holes, b) they want to get more
money in the subway system, and to add all the damn emissions and DMV
tickets, nonsense help this... Ugh...

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