Clipper Comparisons for non-geeks

Derek Atkins warlord at ATHENA.MIT.EDU
Sat Apr 16 23:28:23 PDT 1994

Well, one way I've described the clipper to a non-computer literate
person is to have them imagine a situation where the government
required that you gave them a copy of your housekey, and, if you
decided to get a safe-deposit-box, they would get a copy of that, too.
Basically, whatever you consider private or secure, in a physical
sense, would still be wide open to the government, no matter how much
you wanted to keep it private or secret.

Granted, this isn't a direct analogy, but it's close enough to try to
get someone to understand the implications of the Clipper chip.


         Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, G MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
    Home page:
       warlord at MIT.EDU    PP-ASEL     N1NWH    PGP key available

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