Quants vs Congress

Duncan Frissell frissell at panix.com
Wed Apr 13 07:04:59 PDT 1994

Big hearings in Congress today about how evil derivatives and the quants 
who build them are.  They are a threat to government as we know it.  Don't 
tell anyone but the "intermediation of political risk" was one of the 
greatest invention of the 1980s.  Combine same with strong crypto and you 
almost have to feel sorry for the public employees in our midst.  Watch 
out for a little downsizing.  

To show that I'm a charitable guy, I have some free advice to anyone 
reading this who is involved in "taking the King's shilling":  I 
understand that there is a bright future in computer maintenance 
technology.  A word to the wise.... 


"Buddy can you spare an EXPTIME-complete encryption system?"
g' 5O--- WinQwk 2.0b#1165g' 5O                               

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