Paradigms of Revolution

Jeff Davis eagle at
Mon Apr 11 07:19:25 PDT 1994

                     Paradigms of Revolution

Progressive Jeffersonian theory has researched the roots of tribal
anarchy, and the personal spiritual convictions, that profoundly
influenced our forefather, who's populist stand against the Federalist
aristocracy, resulted in the formulation of the Bill of Rights.  Pure
democracy having been circumnavigated by the logistical realities of the
late 18th century, a Republic government now stands on the verge of
revolution by virtue of the geometric progression of global
interpersonal communication at the speed of light.  Informational access
and dissemination of truth have become intrinsic to restructuring the
very foundations of humankind's social intercourse.

Informed consent is fundamental to democratic process.  The acceleration
of technological progress has left a well educated population behind,
and the policy decisions of government are made by a rarified elite
shaping the infrastructure our progenity inherit.  The Jeffersonian
safeguard of free press and basic reading skills via public education
will serve well the coming millennium, provided that it is allowed to
function in an open system available to all.

Non violent revolutionary restructuring of archaic social paradigms must
come from within the existing function of government.  The general
population has effectively lost its ability to access relative
information to offer responsible and accountable consent in the Republic
government process.  It falls on the population to access duplex
communication ability with government.  It falls on government to
protect its population during the transition by every principle of
justice and reciprocity known to the collective experience of humankind.

Prophylactic law enforcement provisions, implemented by policy decision 
4 February 1994 by the current administration, contradict the
fundamental principle of due process that one is innocent until proven
guilty.  The illusion of key escrowed encryption privacy is detrimental
to the actualization of being Jefferson sought to provide through the
guarantees of the Bill of Rights.  Judicial review at the bequest of
executive law enforcement has eroded the intrinsic Constitutional
safeguards of a free society to the degree of legislating its morality.

The intelligence community of government is a remnant of global warfare.
The repression of free expression and restriction of information in the
interest of national security no longer serves the best interest of the
populous in most cases.  Sovereign nation states in global community
must look toward cooperation in the collective actualization of the
potentials of humankind, reliquishing counter productive defensive

As the current revolution was seeded by the ARPAnet, designed for secure
digital communication of classified intelligence and implementation with
in the defensive structure of the United States of America, so did the
intelligence community seed the last revolution of liberation in the 30
year cyclic pattern of human existence.  The CIA human experimentation
with psychedelic consciousness triggers induced mystic experience in
some subjects given sufficient dosages of lysergic
acid diethylamide.  Initially reported as a psychotomimetic, revised to
hallucinogen, the population who chose to explore the possibilities of
the synthetic alkaloid named the substance psychedelic due to its
properties of consciousness expansion.

The psychedelic properties of full duplex interaction on a global scale
via interpersonal communication among the brightest and best of
humankind are technologically analogous to the subjective explorations
of the participants of the psychedelic revolution.  A liberation of
thinking and behaving in peaceful harmony were intrinsic to the
spiritual egolessness of the psychedelic experience.  Albeit, this did
not resonate with the existing paradigms of established social

The immune response of existing government exploited the tragedies and
ignored the beneficence intrinsic to the social phenomena in a
despicable display of manipulation of the 4th estate.  Once legal and
available to virtually anyone with the initiative to seek the experience
for themselves, governmental control instituted moral judgement on the
population and relegated the proponents of the psychedelic revolution to
abject criminality.  The creator of lysergic acid diethylamide and its
initial human experimenter, Dr Albert Hoffman of Sandoz Laboratories, is
of the substantial expert opinion that his "problem child" be used in a
controlled environment to induce mystic experience.
The attempt of a government to regulate the morality of its population,
by propagandic indoctrination in the guise of public education of its
young, is contrary to the very precepts of foundational Jeffersonian
Democracy.  Faith in the innate goodness of humankind, and trust that
protecting minority opinion in the interest of the pursuit of liberty,
are the very precepts that Jefferson sought to ensure for posterity in
the Constitution of the United States of America.  If this constitution
is to survive into the coming millennium, the visionary precepts of
justice and reciprocity, founded in a spiritual trust of the creator of
humankind Jefferson wrote into its architecture, must under go a

The National Information Infrastructure in current debate is an augury
of the social structure of the next millennium.  If the defensive
paradigms of the intelligence community are allowed to taint its
architecture for posterity, we will have failed in our mission of the
salvation of humanity.  The collective welfare of humankind should be
paramount to mere national interest.

The time has come for every American to seize the moment and demand
accountability of their government.  If not actively participating in
the socio-technological revolution before us, we risk the developmental
disability of not only our's, but the future of the posterity of
humankind.  Assert your right to freedom of speech, and demand your
right to privacy be preserved.  As always, your own future lies in your
own hands.  Please take individual responsibility for it.

PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger!  JAFEFFM  Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle at			email info at *
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