Zero Knowledge Authentication and StrongBox

Benjamin Cox thoth+ at CMU.EDU
Mon Apr 11 06:12:17 PDT 1994

> encrypted secret keys, unless of course Knuth means "given a 
> SQRT box, by feeding it lots of numbers and getting the resulting
> SQRT, one can determine the factorization of its internal modulus."

I don't know whether that's what he means or not, but it's true.  In a
mod(pq) system, every number with square roots has four of them.
Given two of these that don't add up to 0 (mod pq), you can find a
factor of pq by GCD(pq, sqrt1+sqrt2).

Example: pq = 15, a = 1.  Square roots are 1, 4, 11, 14.  Choose two
of these: 1+11 = 12.  GCD(15, 12) = 3, which is a factor of pq.

This can be proved using the Chinese Remainder Theorem.

Ben Cox					thoth+ at, thoth at

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