NSA T-shirt FTP site

Graham Toal gtoal at an-teallach.com
Fri Apr 8 14:11:25 PDT 1994

	OK, the NSA T-shirt gifs are on ftp.atd.ucar.edu in pub/Crypto -- help
	yourselves.  "Don't forget to use binary mode to fetch them."

Whoever designed these hasn't done a t-shirt before I suspect.  The white
on black may look pretty on your screen, but it's the worst thing for
printing.  The best thing to supply would be the graphic, trimmed to
its border, as a single file, and the text as a postscript file.  Ditto
the reverse side should be postscript too.  Gifs don't scale well for
printing so the larger the original of the graphic, the better.


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