PGP Business Week article

Mon Sep 27 18:11:21 PDT 1993

In case anyone is interested, there is a very sympathetic article in the Oct.
4, 1993 "Business Week" magazine about PGP and encryptation in general. It's 
on page 43. I'll just hit the highlights, but check it out.

>Oddly, the crackdown on software {re:PGP} comes just as the administration is 
>loosening export controls on computer hardware. But the schizophrenia may be 
>more apparent than real."I don't think they've got the export policy together 
>enough to be split", says a key congressional staffer..... "This is an area 
>that has essentially been turned over to the spooks".

>Meanwhile, there is growing concern in congress about possible damage to 
>exports. Quality encryptation software, "is available from foreign 
>manufacturers... and is easily transmitted using only a long-distance 
>telephone line and a modem," complained Representative Sam Gejdenson 
>(D-Conn.) and a high-powered bipartisan group of collegues in a Sept. 20
>letter to the President.

>Still, the NSA can't stave off the inevitable for long. Gejdenson hopes to 
>produce legislation by early next year to revamp government policy on high-
>tech exports. The result will probably include looser restrictions on 
>encryptation software- and a victory for Phil Zimmermann in his battle to 
>keep snoops out of his cyberspace.

Hee-Hee, write Rep. Gejdenson via compuserve or any other way and let him know
you support him on this one. I think if we keep at it we win.

Scott G. Morham              ! The First, 
Vaccinia at  !            Second
                             !                   and Third
                             !                              Levels of
                             !               Information Storage and Retrieval
                             ! DNA,                       
                             !      Biological Neural Nets,
                             !                              Cyberspace

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