a horrible conspiracy revealed!

Samuel Pigg b44729 at achilles.ctd.anl.gov
Wed Sep 22 06:48:30 PDT 1993

>>>>> On Wed, 22 Sep 93 11:34:49 GMT, gtoal at an-teallach.com (Graham Toal) said:

	Graham> In article <9309220341.AA23923 at snark.lehman.com> pmetzger at lehman.com writes:
 > I wonder what the significance of L. Detweiler's name is? Obviously
 > its a Germanic name. Perhaps he's a Nazi... in fact, he might be the

	Graham> I sincerely *hope* this article was a forgery,
	Graham> otherwise Perry you're digging yourself a big
	Graham> credibility hole.  Drop it, please.

I guess you didn't get it huh? 
I'm really sick of the flame wars on here, but this one had me laughing
on the floor.

But then again, PERHAPS it *WAS* a forgery.. by the BACKBONE cabal...
in COLLABORATION with THE masons AND the ILLUMINATI!!!!!!!! AND....

(insert some more paranoid conspiracy rantings with every other word
in all caps and wildly excessive exclamation points....)

... in an EFFORT the DISCREDIT the MOVEMENT!!!! Let us RALLY together
BROTHERS to FIGHT the EVIL conspiracy that THREATENS our very LIVES!!!!!!!
(BEFORE its too LATE!)

Oh yes.. I agree.. we should split this list.. into:

cypherpunks-list (original charter)


cypherparanoid-list (for those that want to robo-repost articles from other
                     newsgroups with paranoid comments.)

(no smiley)

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