remailer ideas

L. Detweiler ld231782 at
Tue Sep 21 00:42:55 PDT 1993

T.C. May requests information on operator's remailer policies. I would
like to go a step further and suggest that *all* operators
*standardize* on a single email address for policy queries, in
ping-like fashion. the user just sends mail to policies at
and gets back the policies. Of course, maybe that's not the best name,
because some names are fixed. So maybe a standard header field request syntax.

This sheet returned should include all the information about headers
and cryptographic use, too. I would like it to have *standard headings*
across remailers. That is, it would list categories and the variations
that the particular remailer implements. His list of points is a good
place to start of policy headings. Off the top of my head -

remailer address
header syntax
how to cut and paste headers
cryptography support
additional features
oversight & logging


I'd also like some *history* of the remailer. Whose code is it based
on? what modifications have been added? how reliable is it? -- even a
standard `uptime field' or `% lost messages' would be interesting. are
there any `close calls' in shutting it down? what kind of support does
the operator enjoy? (e.g. sysadmin, student acct, etc.)

If anyone would like to come up with a comprehensive `boilerplate'
document, that'd certainly be useful.

I think all this could increase the `userfriendliness' of the remailers
and ultimately there use signficantly. just a humble suggestion from a
fellow cypherpunk.

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