Does this seem illegal to you?

Perry E. Metzger pmetzger at
Sun Sep 19 08:25:48 PDT 1993

If he has her phone number, and its listed, he can check any reverse
phone directory, get her address, and do this anyway. He doesn't need
spring telemap. If she's stupid enough not to get an unlisted number,
then Sprint Telemap isn't going to do anything worse than what can be
done already.


"George A. Gleason" says:
> Sprint TeleMap:
> You've been after this woman who gives you the ultimate hard-on, but she    
> won't play.  Every night you write her another letter, pouring out your     
> heart, begging for her hand, telling her all the lucious things you'll do   
> with her once she comes to her senses and lets you into her life.  Lately
> you've been getting your letters back,"return to sender, no such addressee"
> in purple Post Office ink.  But no matter, you call her number, and get the
> recording with her new number.  You've been getting angrier lately, as she's
> changed her number three times now.  If only she would let you into her
> life, you'd make wonderful music together by the moonlight- but No!, she
> just won't play.  The anger has been building, and lately you've been taking
> to leaving more and more desperate messages on her answering machine.  She's
> really getting to you now, you want to teach her a lesson, a lesson she'll
> never forget.  You've been trying to follow her car home from work, but for
> some reason she's not driving the same car or taking the same route; she
> might even have changed jobs.  Boy oh boy, you'll teach *her* a lesson,
> teach *her* to say No to you!  You feel inside your jacket, where your .38
> is carefully tucked.  Yeah, teach her a lesson for sure!  And lo, a Sprint
> payphone!  You dial the 1-800 number and ask for directions... give them her
> last known phone number... the seconds tick by, your head whirling with the
> things you're going to tell her and make her plead with you.... a second or
> two later, the operator comes back on the line.   Go right at Harbor... left
> at Main... two blocks down to Third, second house on the left.  Aha, there
> we go.  Thank you, operator.  A warm bulge rises in your pants as you
> contemplate your next move.  Boy are you going to teach her a lesson!
> This special moment brought to you by Sprint TeleMap.  
> ,

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