GOPHER: misc

Karl Lui Barrus klbarrus at
Sat Sep 18 23:31:41 PDT 1993

Thanks for the feedback about links - I didn't read that far in the
server.doc!  It looks like I could point to the EFF gopher for
legislation and stuff, if they wouldn't mind...?

But, stuff I link to has to be available from another gopher, right?
I mean, I just can't point to a directory on some machine and have
gopher retrieve the file for viewing?  Or can I?  Because I definitely
would like to have the RFC's and message digest stuff viewable, or
pointed to.  Also, will gopher uncompress a file before displaying?

I think I should read the gopher FAQ :-)  And look at WWW when I have
some time.

Also, where is the "Digital Silk Road" paper?  I'd like to put the
text version in the "Digital Cash" section.  I'd also like to put the
two reports at cwi up, but those are postscript... has a TANTALIZING menu item for the ftp site, but I
got a connection refused message.  I need to talk to Chael to see
exactly what kind of disk space we have to work with - it looks like
to me an ftp option retrieves files to the gopher site (chaos).

I put up some more stuff, including remailer public keys, but not much
more on anonymous mail and still nothing on clipper.

Karl L. Barrus: klbarrus at         
keyID: 5AD633 hash: D1 59 9D 48 72 E9 19 D5  3D F3 93 7E 81 B5 CC 32 

"One man's mnemonic is another man's cryptography" 
  - my compilers prof discussing file naming in public directories

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