Spooks reading the list

Lefty lefty at apple.com
Sun Sep 12 13:08:41 PDT 1993

An anonymous "contributor" writes
>In fact, there is at least one NSA agent on this list. Whether 
>he/she is on our side or not, who knows? This message, a defense of 
>the NSA, was posted here not long ago. I don't know if anyone else 
>noticed this at the time, but take a look:
>*From:   IN%"remail at tamsun.tamu.edu" 28-AUG-1993 06:02:47.29
>*To:     IN%"cypherpunks at toad.com"
>*Subj:   NSA & the Crypto-Zionist Myth of "Public Key"!
>* {Deletia}
>*Excuse me, but I'm getting tired of this silly paranoia.  NSA
>*is not Evil Incarnate Central, and we are not fighting a Valiant War 
>                                    ==
>We? WE! Do you suppose that was a Freudian slip, or did he mean to 
>say it like that? Whoever he is, he works for the NSA. Did anyone else
>notice this at the time?

In this context, "we" clearly refers to the Cypherpunks, fighting a
"Valiant War" _against_ the NSA.

I think you sound like a paranoid loon.

Lefty [gYon-Pa] (lefty at apple.com)
C:.M:.C:., D:.O:.D:.

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