offshore data havens, from RISKs

Greg Broiles greg at
Sat Sep 11 10:39:02 PDT 1993

"L. Detweiler" <uunet!!ld231782> writes:

> OK, here's an *excellent* opportunity to get some cypherpunk exposure
> on RISKS. Amazingly, we haven't really been seen there before. I move
> that T.C. May or some other prominent cypherpunk write a letter
> representative of group interest and ideas on the subject. But anyone

If someone does write this letter, please don't represent the Cypherpunks 
list as being entirely composed of libertarians or (in Perry's words)
"capitalist anarchists", whatever those might be. It seems counterproductive 
to me to enter into extended political debates here on the list, so I don't 
- but it's a mistake to assume that silence, in this case, constitutes 
agreement or consensus about deeper political issues. I think it'd be more 
accurate to represent the C-punks list as a group of folks with divergent 
political viewpoints who agree on the importance of personal privacy and see 
technology as a potential vehicle for acheiving or maintaining it.

Greg Broiles                            greg at
Golden Bear Computer Consulting         +1 503 342 7982
Box 12005 Eugene OR 97440               BBS: +1 503 687 7764

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