Mailer hooks for PGP

Graham Toal gtoal at
Fri Sep 10 12:47:49 PDT 1993

In article <9308271722.AA11690 at> hughes at writes:
 > >check your public ring and automatically sign/encode outgoing mail to
 > >eligible users
 > As a general rule, mere presence of a key on a keyring should not
 > indicate that this person wishes to receive encrypted mail.  There
 > should be a separate installation for that, either by an enhanced
 > alias file or similar.  There are many for whom reading encrypted mail
 > is not always desirable, because the effort required to download it
 > and decrypt it is more time than the content is worth.  I myself fall
 > into this category, unfortunately.

This is very true.  I hacked my mailer to encrypt when possible, and it
drove Phil Zimmerman batty every time I mailed him and forgot to
override it.

Personal mail to gtoal at (I read it in the evenings)
Business mail to gtoal at (Be careful with the spelling!)
Faxes to An Teallach Limited: +44 31 662 4678  Voice: +44 31 668 1550 x212

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