Gubment Bombmaker's Cookbook

nfe at nfe at
Fri Sep 3 16:55:17 PDT 1993

  Most of the IMH has been typed in and posted on various BBS's - don't
know of a FTP site for it though... IMH was originally a gvmt publication,
and it's been reprinted by several of the R-wing paramilitary publisers
(paladine press, desert publications, etc.) it has a ISBN number, can be
found, and ordered via Books in print, however will be confiscated by
customs at the canadian border as that sort of thing is contraban in
canada - I don't know about england...
  For the address of some of the paramilitary publishers, and reviews of
some of these books get a copy of the rec.pyrotechnics FAQ sheet. This
includes pointers to FTP sites that have some online "bomb books"...
  btw: IMH is considered one of the more acurate, and safer books of this
kind. The anarchist cookbook is generaly considered the most dangerous
book to the prostective "kitchen chemist" in print...

  hope that helps

ps: rec.pyrotechnics has posts of this type of formula all the time, and 
ANY decent library will have books on explosives. Older High School chem
texts have recipies, and a good encyclopedia wil at least tell you how
to make black powder. police bomb disposal, and pyrotechnics books are
also good sources, as are theatrical special effect books.
  This type of info is widely available to anyone, anywhere! this court
case is obviously pure harrasment.

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