Remailer Reliability

Sameer Parekh sameer at
Fri Sep 3 14:35:07 PDT 1993

L. Detweiler said:
> C'punks, it seems to me that the anonymous pool idea is underutilized
> by the remailers. I suggest that a remailer variation be developed that
> posts to an anonymous pool (some appropriate obscure newsgroup)
> indicating that a message actually was sent from the final hop. The
> sender can be sure the message made it if they see this posting. If
> anyone wants to get even more fancy, the final remailer might also post
> to the pool when the message bounced to the final address back to the remailer.
	That definitely looks like a wise idea.
	Maybe if I can figure it out, among the writing of the
install-script I can add this little feature. Which newsgroup? Should
someone create an alt.remail? How exactly would it be implemented? I'm
thinking that simply the user would do:

Request-Remailing-To: sameer at
Remail-ID: 572374237

	And the remailer would post to alt.remail:

Message with Remail-ID: 572374237 was remailed.
	Does that look good?

sameer at

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