PGP automation

douglas craig holland holland at CS.ColoState.EDU
Fri Oct 29 12:24:04 PDT 1993

> If you happen to use 4dos and telix on your pc at home, I have some (imho) nice
> tools which make it easy to encrypt...  For a taste of what I mean, try my 
> menu.btm menu program for pgp under 4dos.  If you like it, you can look at my
> (as yet unreleased) mail program.  Lagers.
> J. Michael Diehl   ;^)  |*The 2nd Amendment is there in case the 
> mdiehl at   | Government forgets about the 1st!  <RL>
> Mike.Diehl at f29.n301.z1  |*God is a good Physicist, and an even 
>        | better Mathematician.  <Me>
> al945 at|*I'm just looking for the opportunity to 
>  (505) 299-2282 (voice) | be Politically Incorrect! <Me>
> Can we impeach him yet? |*Protected by 18 USC 2511 and 18 USC 2703. 
I wouldn't mind seeing some script files and the like.  You just gave me an
idea, that is if I could figure out the script languages for Emacs, Elm, as
well as Qmodem.  It would be nice if I could automate the encryption/decryp-
tion/signature process.


|  Doug Holland                       | Proud member of:
|  holland at | Mathematicians Against Drunk Deriving
|  Finger for PGP 2.2 key             | 

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