Chaos - A noun we can live with

Paul Robichaux paul at
Thu Oct 28 10:52:42 PDT 1993


An unsolicited opinion: one of the best things about cypherpunks'
early days is that the list members (spurred on by the examples set by
a few folks) generally posted informative and incisive material to the
list and kept the flames, potentially-silly questions, and other
detritus in private e-mail.

The recent Detwiler melee is a case of the USENET-ization of this
list. I'm sorry that some valuable contributors- *including Detwiler*,
who often had a steely point buried under the Moby Adjectives- will no
longer be sharing with us.

A bad s/n ratio is usually transient, and people who tune out due to
the traffic will often come back. Unfortunately, the kind of
acrimony we've been favored with here tends to force out many people
whose contributions enrich us all.

I'd like to ask each of the remaining members to think about your own
reasons for reading the list. If you're here to learn, teach, and
share, that's great. If you're here to act like an alt.flame regular,
not so great. 

I'd hate to see any more people driven off because the coffee in our
coffee house is too bitter. So, to summarize: you don't have to always
be nice, but if you feel the need to flame, keep it in e-mail.

- -Paul

- -- 
Paul Robichaux, KD4JZG     | Caution: cutting edge is sharp. Avoid contact.
Intergraph Federal Systems | Be a cryptography user - ask me how.
	    ** Of course I don't speak for Intergraph. **

Version: 2.3a


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