Net Regs.

kwaldman kwaldman at BBN.COM
Wed Oct 27 09:47:54 PDT 1993

		In response to my reply to Duncan's *"Net Regulation"
Perry wrote:

>To: kwaldman <kwaldman at BBN.COM>   
>Subject: Re: Net Requlation     
>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1993 09:53:47 -0400    
>From: "Perry E. Metzger" <pmetzger at>

>You do realize that cypherpunks is not extropians...

>kwaldman says: 
>> 	Say the best way to go is to become a perpetual tourist. That is 
>> you don't have US citzenship and thus are not subject to it's taxes and
>> other nosy laws. [Not that other government's don't have nosier laws]. 
>> Anyway

	Yes I realize it, and perhaps Perry's right we should move this
to extropians.


* BTW I spelled Duncan's name wrong twice in 1 paragraph in my last
post. Sorry.


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