Content vanquishes PSEUDOSPOOFING

Jamie Dinkelacker jamie at
Sun Oct 24 18:08:45 PDT 1993

Members of the True Cause and Final Movement:

Someplace in all this 'pseudospoofing' bandwidth, maybe once in a while,
it's worth looking at the _content_ of a message. 

Some mail I read, some I don't; but when I do, I attend to the content. If
it's interesting, or new, or informative, or funny, or sometimes pathetic,
I pay attention. I don't care who/what wrote it. I'll make my own decisions
whether it's news or entertainment, science or fiction. To quote Whitehead,
"Ideas have consequences." (So does behavior.)
Jamie Dinkelacker   Palo Alto CA 
Jamie at    415.941.4782    

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