Viallage Voice article, etc

nate at VIS.ColoState.EDU nate at VIS.ColoState.EDU
Sat Oct 23 22:23:09 PDT 1993

Does anyone have a copy of the Viallage Voice article from the 3rd of 
August 1993?  I don't want to type it in, and I know I saw it on the list
a while back.

Also, I am compiling a list of articles that explain what we are all about 
(I know, there is no CypherPunks agenda per se, but there are common
goals here), to be given out to the public.  If you are in posession of 
such an article (or know of one, I'll type it in) send it to me, please.



| Nate Sammons   email: nate at VIS.ColoState.Edu
|   Colorado State University Computer Visualization Laboratory
|   Finger nate at monet.VIS.ColoState.Edu for my PGP key
|   #include <std.disclaimer>            Guerrilla Cryptographer
|   Title 18 USC 2511 and 18 USC 2703 Protected --> Monitoring Forbidden
+--------+                          Always remember "Brazil"

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