
Dog Face abootch at sfsuvax1.sfsu.edu
Fri Oct 22 10:22:56 PDT 1993

Hey Cypherites,

While taking a *study* break last night I caught the last couple of minutes
of a report on the cellular phone hacking on Prime Time Live - KABC(?) west 
coast. Someone, presumably, from one of the cellular phone co's came up
with a security scheme that would stop people from hacking into other
people's accounts - using digital signatures! When asked how long this
*technology*'s been around he answered its been out for awhile, only it
has been implemented yet because no one was willing to pay for it. I 

Also, they mentioned something about 400 people being caught by the S.S.
so far this year(?) on cellular hacking charges. Is this correct? 

I didn't catch the whole show and am not sure if I ingested what was
being said properly (I was too tired to chew) so if anyone caught the
whole piece or knows more please post.


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